InsightsValueBeyond the Numbers: The Unexpected Benefits of Ignoring Data

While the current trend emphasizes the crucial role of data in decision-making, there are scenarios and contexts where not using data may be beneficial. In a world obsessed with data, could deliberately ignoring it actually become a secret weapon for innovation, agility, and intuition?

Why do some top runners prefer to train without a GPS watch?

Sports analytics have gained a lot of traction during the last decade and in every sport, sensors are used for improving training or defining field strategies. So much as it’s become a kind of standard. In running, GPS watches can help runners track their distance, pace, heart rate, and other metrics, which can be valuable for training and performance. As almost all elite runners use them to define strategies to prepare or run better, not using them could appear detrimental. In this story, New York Times journalist  Scott Cacciola investigates why some elite distance runners don’t wear activity tracking or GPS watches.

The runners interviewed for the article stress the benefits of not measuring their performance metrics. Some argue that focusing on the data reduces the pleasure of running, others mention that it reduces their ability to sense and feel their body’s signals and others find liberating not to be obsessed with a list of metrics to follow at each run.

Benefits of not using data in business situations

In the business realm, straying from data-centric approaches can indeed bolster various facets, from creativity and agility to intuition and emphasis on core values.

Enhanced creativity.

Emphasizing creativity over data can lead to groundbreaking and innovative solutions. Without the constraint of historical data and trends, businesses can explore uncharted territories, leading to the development of unique products or services. The inception of Airbnb is an example where creativity took precedence over data. Founders Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia initially had no data to support their novel idea of home sharing, but their creative solution to a real-world problem (lack of hotel accommodations) led to the creation of one of the world’s most successful peer-to-peer service companies.

In his account of how some industries have been disrupted by new entrants, Clayton Christensen differentiates between incumbents which are very good at analysing the current market and implementing “sustaining innovations” and disruptors that totally change the value curve of the product and offer “disruptive innovations”, deciding simultaneously to offer a lower performance on some features and create new features. This leads to the definition of totally new markets, where the product is offered to a new group of clients. Focusing on market data traps companies in sustaining innovations making them vulnerable to disruptors. On the other side, disruptors cannot rely on data as they build a totally different offer, not present in the market. Without redefining industries, some companies rely on creativity to offer differentiated products. Pixar is an epitome of creativity. They prioritize storytelling and character development, often sidelining market data. This approach has yielded films like “Up” and “WALL-E,” which might not have been conceived with a data-centric approach.


Agility stands as a beacon of resiliency in the ever-evolving business landscape. The transformative journey of Slack Technologies underscores this notion. Originally a gaming entity, Tiny Speck, the creators swiftly adapted their internal communication tool into what is now Slack, responding to an explicit market need without the crutch of extensive data analysis. This evolution epitomizes the essence of the Agile Methodology, wherein adaptability and prompt responses to change supersede rigid planning and exhaustive data analysis. In a world marked by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), the agility showcased by Slack Technologies is not just desirable but quintessential for business survival and growth. The strategic pivot, unburdened by the weight of traditional data dependency, demonstrates the power of agility in harnessing emerging opportunities and navigating the turbulent seas of the modern market, bolstering organizational resilience and ensuring sustained growth amidst dynamic shifts.

Improved intuition.

In the intricate tapestry of business decision-making, improved intuition emerges as a resplendent thread when organizations willingly minimize their dependence on data. Take Spanx, for instance. Its founder, Sara Blakely, devoid of extensive market data, banked on her intuitive acumen to discern a glaring market gap, birthing a revolutionary undergarment that catapulted the brand to a multibillion-dollar status. Howard Schultz, the force behind Starbucks, banked on his intuition and vision for a coffee shop as a third-place between work and home, despite the lack of data to support this concept initially. Schultz’s intuition about the desire for a unique coffee shop experience helped grow Starbucks into the global brand it is today. These examples echo the principles of Naturalistic Decision Making, a theory that delves into the realm of experiential and intuitive decision-making within complex, real-world contexts. Blakely’s journey and Schultz’s vision epitomize this, showcasing the potency of intuitive insight, honed by experience and unmarred by the potential biases of historical data.

Developing and refining intuition is an ongoing process that intertwines experience, learning, and focused observation. Consistent self-reflection, openness to new experiences, and paying attention to feedback without the bias of data are essential in honing one’s intuitive abilities. When individuals and businesses cultivate these habits, they foster a rich environment for intuition to grow and flourish, leading to innovative solutions and insights that may not be immediately apparent through data analysis alone.

Greater focus on core values.

Sometimes, maintaining a laser focus on core values resonates as a clarion call amidst the cacophony of data-driven metrics and profitability analyses. Consider Patagonia, a brand synonymous with unwavering commitment to environmental and societal well-being. In a defining move in 2016, Patagonia donated the entirety of its Black Friday sales to grassroots environmental organizations, eschewing traditional profitability data for a staunch adherence to its core ethos. This bold step mirrors the principles of Stakeholder Theory, reinforcing the premise that organizational responsibilities extend beyond shareholders to encompass a broader spectrum of stakeholders, including communities and the environment. Patagonia’s unwavering commitment to its foundational values, even in the face of potential profit compromise, illuminates the path for organizations aspiring to build enduring legacies, fortified by societal and environmental stewardship, transcending the transient boundaries of financial metrics and data-driven strategies.

The higher the uncertainty, the higher the benefits of ignoring data.

The four benefits listed above relate quite well with the effectuation theory (Sarasvathy, 2001) which posits that in uncertain environments, entrepreneurs often use a set of heuristics or ‘effectual logic’ rather than predictive, data-driven strategies. They start with what they have more than identifying what the perfect opportunity would be, they leverage contingencies and embrace surprises that arise from uncertain situations to create new opportunities. Also, they focus on activities within their control and believe that the future is neither found nor predicted, but rather made.

In that sense, the benefits of ignoring data fit quite well with high uncertainty level situations, whether it’s the launch of a new product, the creation of a new venture, the adaptation to a significant change in the environment or the discovery of a new environment. In these situations, the ability to feel and sense the environment as well as to leverage key core values or activities are more useful than the pure analytical skillset.

Embracing the silence beyond the noise of data may unveil a world ripe with innovation, agility, and uncharted paths to success, offering a fresh perspective in a data-driven world.

Photo de davisuko sur Unsplash

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