BLOGDatanomics and strategy

A blog and a newsletter on competition and value creation with data and analytics.

Comments, examples, methodologies and research.

Selling data can be a major revenue opportunity. However, navigating the business ecosystem of data trading is not a catwalk. Which is the best option: monetizing directly or through brokers ? Beyond the revenue opportunity some key strategic considerations are to be analysed for data generators who want to monetize their data.

The European Commission released recently a proposal for a regulation on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Though there is still a long process to take place before the regulation is enforced, it will impact Datanomics, i.e. value creation opportunities and competition dynamics related to data and analytics. What would change should the regulation implemented as described? What...

As data is associated with numerous value creation opportunities, protecting them and making sure others cannot access them seems a smart move to control the value capture. Though counter-intuitive at first, there is a clear case for value capture while sharing data. However, sharing doesn’t always mean the same and several options are possible. Why...

Cars, tires, drilling machines, industrial equipment and many other objects are now full of sensors that capture data in real-time. It opened an opportunity for product manufacturers: launch service-based offers. Though very attractive on the paper, research shows the implementation of these business models is challenging and that the promised profits are not always cashed...

Let’s get back to where we started! The question is to decide on a positioning in the data value chain: which activities are key, which should be mastered internally, what to outsource? which partnerships to forge? « Strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable position, involving a different set of activities. The essence...

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