BLOGDatanomics and strategy

A blog and a newsletter on competition and value creation with data and analytics.

Comments, examples, methodologies and research.

Over the last two decades, open source has become a significant and sometimes dominant distribution channel and business model for software. Companies like Open AI (at the beginning) and Hugging Face have based their success on this model. Other companies, such as Meta have used open source to weaken a competitor’s position. How to decide...

How to differentiate signal from noise in generative AI?  On the one hand, McKinsey predicts that generative AI could add the equivalent of $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion annually. On the other hand, we have plenty of studies (even from McKinsey) which conclude that value capture is much harder to achieve than what predictions estimate...

All businesses, once they achieve a leading market position try to defend themselves against potential competitors. Business moats, a term coined by Warren Buffett, are competitive advantages a company establishes to protect its market position and profitability from competitors, just as a moat protects a castle from invaders. When it comes to Generative AI, would...

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