BLOGDatanomics and strategy

A blog and a newsletter on competition and value creation with data and analytics.

Comments, examples, methodologies and research.

Creative processes have been traditionally highly intuition-based, leaving little room for data analysis. However, this changed with the digital transformation of creative industry and companies in this industry made their creative decision process more evidence-based, while retaining the best features of artistic intuition and human creativity. How did this transformation happen? How to leverage the...

How to differentiate signal from noise in generative AI?  On the one hand, McKinsey predicts that generative AI could add the equivalent of $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion annually. On the other hand, we have plenty of studies (even from McKinsey) which conclude that value capture is much harder to achieve than what predictions estimate...

En temps incertain, le choix de la transformation est cornélien car l’information est rare. En décidant trop tôt on risque de faire des erreurs par manque d’information ; en attendant pour avoir plus d’information, les options se réduisent car d’autres ont déjà façonné la nouvelle réalité. Comment sortir du dilemme et construire une stratégie distinctive...

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